Saturday, 19 April 2014

Degrees of separation!

Gutted had this written and posted destroyed it with the app so here it goes again. Oh well it's a learning curve. Plus one more.

Over the years slowly types of chefs have evolved. Generally you'll find these or a variation on them. In no particular order...

1 Arrogant
Now probably the worst one for these will believe their way is the right way and would of stopped learning.

2 Prissy
Now the prissy chef or as they are known all fur coat no knickers. It'll look good but with little thought or reason.

3 Steady Eddie
Every kitchen will have a steady Eddie they offer a little more autonomy than a machine. Though with little will and aspiration not a lot else.

4 Machine
Though valued like any machine leaving it unsupervised will lead to a sloppy job!

5 Prideful
Probably the hardest type to keep stable for they will try to congregate with their own type. Also hunted and destroyed by management teams.

6 Passionate
Whilst rare they come in varied types. From the ones that sacrifice all, living and breathing the craft, to the accidental ones who find themselves looking for the next fad and finding the roots of the latest fashion. Also tend to have traits of other types.

7 Paycheck
These crawl from all kinds of cracks and crevices the scourge of the kitchen. I question why for there are plenty of easier ways of earning a paycheck!

8 Fad
Now these will believe they're it. Believing if your not following the fad you've lost it. Yet what they miss is no follower has found the next fad. A good tailor will always be a good tailor regardless of whether they follow the latest fashion!

9 Taster
Highly likely to lack a bit of presentation yet can be left unsupervised.

10 Interference
Normally a member of the management team who either failed back of house or who has a long time ago forgotten the limitations of the kitchen. Likes to write menus that tend to be impractical!

So second time written, added one other though. Maybe you'll see yourself, it'll be highly likely you'll determine what kind I am. Some types share traits of other types, some are wanted in a kitchen some not. Perhaps I've missed a few leave a comment should I think it of merit I'll add it!

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