Thursday 1 May 2014

Review:-Ramsbottom, The Eagle and Child

So having had a busy weekend, with 2 places eaten at thought I'd share my insights. Now my reviews aren't going to be for everyone. So heard some good things about The Eagle and Child. So thought a day spent on the steam train with a few beers(I'm sure if I liked real ales I could recommend either end of the line) and breaking with lunch here would be a good day out.

So to the details one of our party was a tad awkward ordering starters as main. So we ordered a selection of breads which came with oil/treacle vinegar, a pea hummus and a smoked butter. Now do I become the heavy critic or the customers critic I always struggle. So firstly I may be in the minority but I'm not a big fan of 'English bread' it's just fluffy(not to say I don't eat it). The pea hummus a little bland and the smoked butter over powering but I loved the treacle vinegar. I can't even remember the description of my sausage on peas... So whilst I wasn't quite expecting what I got, what I've got to say it was a winning dish a lovely meaty sausage with chunks of blackpudding through it. Though sure I seem to recall ham hock mentioned in the description. This was sat on some lovely black pearls of peas. Now having found the treacle vinegar with the bread I'm sure some had found its way here, this dish had a lovely complex flavour.
My brother had some goats cheese bonbons I suspect they where more than fine as they didn't touch the sides on the way down. So this finishes with the other 2 starters which came as a main. Praise goes to the execution having worked kitchens I have to admit a tad off trepidation in trying to get these for main. A bowl of cauliflower and stilton soup with a side of cauliflower fritters with curry mayo. As my brother said the soup is as it says personally I'm just not sure cauliflower can stand up to Stilton. The fritters were fine, again really a dish that held no surprises a little mention on fried things next.

Now the guts of the meal seeing a rump burger I had to order it. So looking forward to this a little bit of me dies when I'm not asked how I want it cooked, I take it as it comes rather than braving it. So it arrives I see this lovely burger it sides hanging out... hold on... its a bloody muffin yes an english muffin. Am I the only person that wants a slightly sweet sesame seeded bun? It came with a bucket of fries and a tomato relish though home made was a tad to tinned tomato for me.The other main was squash pithivier with a chunky tomato sauce again slightly to tinny. Generally well received with it's side of bubble and squeak. My gripe a bit of a mish mash French(pithivier), Portuguese(refogado) and Italian(parmesan) also personally I don't feel squash and tomato have an affinity. Back to fried things I also had onion rings generally they where fine but had a slight taste of an old fryer.

Customer critic;-
4 stars for food
3 stars for service

Hard critic:-
3 stars for food
3 stars for service

Some may think I'm not keen or unfairly harsh. Firstly I'm not I'll be back I enjoyed it yet as a harsh critic it does miss a little. Service whilst not poor neither was it sharp, friendly it was and I never felt like anything was too much..

Menu bits we had...

Freshly baked breads, black pea houmous, smoked butter, treacle vinegar
‘Fine fettle’ goats cheese bonbons, tomato, shallot + tarragon (v)
‘Lancaster Bomber’ battered cauliflower, curried mayo (v)
Seasonal soup, freshly baked bread
Lancashire sausage, black pudding, ham hock, Lancashire cheese, devilled black peas
8oz char-grilled coarse ground rump burger, Lancashire cheese, fries + onion rings

Squash pithivier, tomato refogado, parmesan foam (v)

Bubble + squeak

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